Thursday, November 19, 2009

Grabow Signs: Two Years, $7 million

Via Bruce Levine, Paul Sullivan, and others, John Grabow has signed with the Cubs for 2 years, roughly $7 million. I do not understand this move at all. If Hendry feels that this pen needs veteran depth, maybe I can be swayed, but once again I think he outbid himself for an average lefty reliever with control issues. Lou loves playing the match-ups and this guy's numbers were better against RH hitters than LH, so from a Pinella vantage point, I am very confused. There have been rumors (via MLBTraderumors) that the Cubs could be players for Billy Wagner, but this move probably takes them out of that equation. Marmol will be the closer, and Grabow probably sets up. We all know about Marmol's on again - off again control problems, so setting him up with a loogy who averaged 5.1 BB per 9 innings is confusing. Esmalin Caridad and Justin Berg, both who showed promise at the end of last season, should see some work next season. This may remove some of the pressure that otherwise would have been placed on Grabow's ahoulders.

An entire season of being a Cub should be interesting for a guy who has made most of his living pitching for the no pressure, no expectations Pirates.

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